Under offer.

Under offer.

3D piece conceived and constructed in November 2019. 

The piece is a response to several empty commercial units found within the my local town. The title, 'Under offer', alludes to the notion that empty spaces are vacant and awaiting possession or tenancy. The piece is designed to fit inside the dimensions of a supermarket shopper bag. 

The geometry of a re-imagined empty commercial unit within a shopper bag.

The need to fit the piece inside the dimensions of a shopper bag is a numerical constraint borne out of necessity. Due to a need to transport the piece between the 3D workshop and my studio (dining room at home) to Gallery House, Leeds. "It requires transporting by train!"

Made from found materials in an 'ad hoc' style; synthesized to demonstrate empty spaces. Both within the shopper bag and in the 3D piece itself.

Inspired by ‘The Poetics of space’, by Gaston Bachelard.
I endeavored to capture the light inside an empty commercial unit. The light is suggestive of potential for progress and growth.
November 2019