
The word 'shell' can be defined as the walls of an unfinished or gutted building or other structure. Also, an outer form without substance. 

Here, I have conceived and constructed a 3D structure, which offers multiple configurations: Pine and reclaimed cardboard.

The piece demonstrates parallels with the dynamics of the fourth wall / proscenium theatre. Which through convention is invisible, imagined and separates the actors from the audience.

In her manifesto, 'The death of the plane', written in 1960, Lygia Clark writes, 

“The plane is a concept created by man for practical purposes: to satisfy his human need for balance.
The square, which is an abstract creation, is a product of the plane. The plane is a concept created by man for practical purposes: to satisfy his need for balance.”

'Shell' is an exploration of of how an object, defined by given parameters, can extend and reform into new configurations. 

October 2020